1 Timothy 2:9: In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with modesty and sobriety. 1 Corinthians 12:22-24: 22 No, much rather, those members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary. 23 And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor; and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty, 24 but our presentable parts have no need. But God composed the body, having given greater honor to that part which lacks it. We have included an awesome article on nudity, purity, and sex from another web site below. The author of this article shared that God establishes a moral miracle when a couple marries and how nakedness and sexual intimacy between them is moral and pure. This is exactly what God intended. Nudity, Purity and Sex Australia has been distracted in recent
days with questions about an art show of naked children. Police raided
the exhibition last Thursday and seized some of the images of naked
12 and 13 year old children. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd spoke out against
the display, while the artistic community defended the show. Questions
emerge such as “was there consent” and were the images “sexualised”.
Art advocates point out that the naked body has been the focus of art
for thousands of years. As I tackle sexual deviancy in its various forms I have come to realise the importance of teaching on ‘purity’. Purity is a lost quality in the west, where sensuality and the “what’s in it for me” mentality reign supreme. As I teach my Straight Talk on Sex material around the world I find myself more optimistic than I should be. I keep expecting Christians to have an understanding of and a commitment to moral purity. In my own childhood, although addicted to lustful thoughts and sexual obsessions, I carried an acute sense of my own impurity. I continue to be surprised, although I should not be, when I find Christians and Christian leaders who have abandoned the key ground of purity. So let me challenge your thinking about ‘purity’ and relate that to nudity and sex. The Call To Purity. The starting point of each of our lives is that we have been created by God. Furthermore, we have been created in the image of God. So we are to be holy just as our heavenly Father is holy (Leviticus 11:45,19:2). We have a creation mandate, to be holy, just like God, who created us in His holy likeness. If we are not holy we defy God, rebel against His creative purpose for our lives and destroy the very thing God sought to establish. We cannot be unholy, for any reason. No matter how unholy those around us are, we must live in the fear of God and be holy and pure before Him. Paul the Apostle insisted on this level of purity 4,000 years after the creation, as he set things in order within the infant church. Paul insisted that believers should “possess their body in sanctification and honour” (1Thessalonians 4:4). He exhorts Christians to “cleanse themselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit” and to “perfect holiness in the fear of God” (2Corinthians 7:1). Jesus Christ demands our holiness. He instructed His followers to “be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). And the Apostle Peter added his voice to the case, saying that we are not to live by the lusts that we had before we were Christians , but are to be holy in all our lifestyle, just as God is holy (1Peter 1:14-16). So, purity is not an optional extra for Christians. It is not something for the more devoted to think about, which ordinary Christians can ignore. No, indeed! Purity is something that is mandatory for all people who want to walk with God. And we have that from the Old Testament, from Christ, from Paul and from Peter. The Spirit-Flesh Tension God created us in His image. God also gave
us human flesh. Our flesh is an area of vulnerability for us, as it
is tempted to seek indulgence of its appetites. We are torn between
our calling to be like God, and our lusts to be self-seeking and indulgent.
God refers to this problem of the human condition by saying that man
is “also flesh” (Genesis 6:3). The implication is that man
is a spirit being, made in the image of God who is spirit, but man is
also flesh, pulled by lusts. Mankind has a pull in both directions –
toward God and holiness and toward self and degradation. Now, let me package this up in a simple summary for you. You are created by a holy God and you have a divine mandate to be holy. Your flesh pulls you toward self-indulgence, lusts and degradation. Christ has paid for your sins, so you can be forgiven, and the Holy Spirit is given to empower you to put your flesh to death so you can live free of your fleshly lusts and glorify God. Nakedness / Nudity The human body is the starting point of purity. God created the human body to be kept sacred by each individual. Personal nakedness is a divine and sovereign element of human purity. To expose the body, or to go further toward sensual and sexual activity, is sinful and degrading. As soon as Adam ate of the forbidden fruit
in the Garden he knew that he was naked and he felt shame (Genesis 3:10).
Adam was not ashamed of seeing Eve’s nakedness, because she was
‘one flesh’ with him, but he was ashamed of letting God
see his nakedness, since nakedness is private, not for public display. When a society becomes lax about nakedness it has become
impure. When people stop protecting the sanctity of their own body and
the body of others, impurity has contaminated the society. When people
dress in an alluring manner and when nudity is exposed on movies, TV,
magazines and billboards, impurity takes over. The people are despising
God. When people will not treat their own nakedness and the nakedness
of humanity as a sacred preserve given them by a holy God, they are
despising God, Himself. It is an act of rebellion against God. I remind
you of 1Thessalonians 4:8 “He therefore that despises (the calling
to holiness and the sanctity of the human body) despises not man, but
God, who has also given to us his Holy Spirit.” Christians are called to put their flesh to death, with
its affections and lusts (Galatians 5:24), and they do that not by human
effort but by relying on the Holy Spirit to empower them (Romans 8:13).
This results in Christians living a life that is free from lusts and
the pressures created by their flesh (Galatians 5:17), and they are
able to live in the ‘glorious liberty of the Children of God’
(Romans 8:21). They then live in purity, and enjoy the fullness of joy
which God created for them. Source: http://chrisfieldblog.com/2008/05/31/purity-sex
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